This session brings together institutional and corporate investors, business angels and tech-startups and gives an overview what the tech location has got to offer, latest trends, best practices and market challenges facing European technology investments in and from Austria. Learn about support for investors and investment opportunities in the Startup Ecosystem Austria and arrange meetings with Co-Investors and disruptive Tech-Founders.
- Tech Location Austria - why an international investor should consider Austria
- Austrian Startup Ecosystem and investor landscape - trends and developments
- Practical experiences of Austrian scale-ups RoboWunderkind and Saphenus
- Contact points for investors - where to turn when looking for concrete investment opportunities or co-investors
- Q&A
You missed the stream of the investors summit? Watch it on YouTube:
investors summit 2021

Austrian Business Agency
Austrian Business Agency (ABA) operates as the Austrian national business promotion consultancy and the first point of contact for foreign investors and skilled employees interested in Austria. Divided into the two business units “Invest in Austria” and “Work in Austria”, the ABA team advises and supports international companies and highly specialised professionals on the basis of its expertise concerning Austria as a business and research location and the Austrian labour market. As a subsidiary of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs, ABA provides its services free of charge.
AVCO is the national association for Austria’s Venture Capital and Private Equity industry. The umbrella organisation covers over 80% of the Austrian VC/PE market. AVCO strives for understanding, visibility and acceptance of the economic importance of private growth capital and aims to foster the VC/PE ecosystem in all its facets.